PhD Research Grant

Applicant Guidelines

PhD Research Grant

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF) is committed to funding the best and brightest US-based researchers to change what’s possible for cerebral palsy. This competitive grant aims to attract new and highly qualified graduates into the field of cerebral palsy research. These grants are available internationally for PhD research students who are committed to the same thing we are: accelerating progress to change what’s possible for cerebral palsy on several fronts by encouraging researchers to adopt cerebral palsy as their area of study.


Michael Pearlmutter
Executive Director

Inquire About Grants

Individuals completing non-research PhD study, such as a clinical doctorate, are ineligible for this grant. PhD grants can be requested for a maximum of 3 years. However, the funds should not exceed US$25,000 per year (for applicants studying in the United States of America) or AU$35,000 per year (for applicants studying in Australia or other countries).

Applicants don’t need to have confirmation of acceptance or enrollment in a PhD program when applying for the grant, but the award will only commence once the applicant provides confirmation of acceptance from the institution.

PhD grant awards can only be used towards the following costs:

  • Stipend for one PhD student
  • Student fees
  • Research expenses
  • Tuition fees (only applicable for students required to pay tuition fees for their study)

CPARF will only fund direct costs related to the award’s objective. Grant awards must not be used for indirect costs including infrastructure, overhead, or administration costs, all of which should be provided as standard support by researchers’ administering institutions.

  • Applicants must be research PhD students applying or studying at a recognized institution.
  • Applicants must have an official PhD supervisor who is affiliated with a recognized institution and/or research organization.
  • Research topic must contribute to the field of cerebral palsy research.
  • Applicants must use the online application forms accessible from CPARF’s website.
  • All sections of the application form must be completed.
  • Applicants must seek consent from all supervisors included in the application.
  • One PhD candidate and a maximum of five PhD supervisors can be included in the application.
  • Applicants must seek consent from all supervisors prior the submission of application. Failure to do so may result in your application being removed from consideration.
  • Applicants must include a letter of support from their primary supervisor, using CPARF’s template.
  • Budget must not include any salary. Only the stipend for one PhD student can be requested in the application, and justification for the stipend rate must be provided.
  • Applicants must nominate a single administering institution to manage the grant.
  • The grant agreement will only be executed upon submission of confirmation of acceptance/enrollment in the PhD program.

We will send an email acknowledging any and all applications submitted before the closing date.

  • CPARF’s steering committee will conduct a competitive review process based on:
    • Academic achievement.
    • The research plan and its relevance to cerebral palsy.
    • The perceived outcomes that will lead to significant progress in the field of cerebral palsy research.
    • Alignment with CPARF’s strategy and overall vision.
    • The support provided by the supervisor and the administering institution to help develop the student’s research career.
  • The successful applicant will be chosen at the sole discretion of CPARF’s steering committee, and this decision is final. No feedback or comments will be provided.
  • All applicants will receive notification of the outcome in writing.
  • Enrollment in the nominated PhD program must commence within one year of the award. Otherwise, the award will be withdrawn.
  • Grant recipients must notify the Research Foundation if they receive another external grant for the same purpose as this grant award.
  • The initial grant award payment begins after the grant agreement is executed.
  • The grant award will be paid through the administering institution associated with and nominated by the grant recipient.
  • Payments will never be made to individual bank accounts.
  • Subsequent grant payments will only be made upon receipt of satisfactory reports and invoices issued by the administering institution.

  • Grant recipients are required to submit periodic research progress and financial reports.
  • The final report and financial acquittal must be submitted within sixty (60) days of study completion.
  • Grant recipients must use CPARF’s reporting template.
  • CPARF reserves the right to publish or use part or all of the report for fundraising and/or marketing purposes.
  • CPARF’s support must be acknowledged using our full name in any presentations, publications or reports resulting from the study.

Research Funding Guidelines

Application Forms


Timeline – 2021 grant round

15 August 2021 – 11am

Application submission open

12 September 2021 – 9am

Application submission close

November 2021

Notification of outcome

Date and time above is based on Eastern Time (New York). This website can help applicants to convert the date and time to applicants’ local time.