Episode One | Changing What’s Possible: The Disability Innovation Podcast | Season Two

Fri 12 May 2023

Changing What's Possible: The Disability Innovation Podcast | Season Two

Episode One | Molly Levitt Shares How Remarkable US Drives Disability Innovation 

Innovation can change millions of lives around the world, and disability innovation often paves the way for new technology that can benefit both people with and without disabilities. In this episode, Remarkable US Director Molly Levitt kicks off season two of our show by highlighting the importance of disability innovation and the demand for affordable, accessible products. She explains Remarkable’s global presence, its origin and Australian leadership by Cerebral Palsy Alliance, and its expansion into the US. She also discusses how Remarkable US — run by US-based Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation — currently supports six outstanding startup companies that are each developing exceptional products and services with and for people with disabilities.

View the transcript for Episode One

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Check out episodes from Season One and stay tuned for new episodes every other Friday!

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