Innovation Insights: SpineX

Thu 30 Nov 2023

We’re highlighting SpineX this week! Last month, Kara Allanach, SpineX’s Director of Product attended our second Remarkable Tech Summit and we got aa white woman standing in front of mission bay, san diego chance to learn more about her experiences:

“I've just met so many great people with disabilities, disability advocates, and people who are passionate about funding disability innovations. And it's just been invaluable, as far as I'm concerned, for us to be able to take our product from the lab into the real world. Remarkable really has accelerated us.”

SpineX’s technology unlocks movement for people with cerebral palsy using painless, noninvasive neuromodulation. You can learn more about what neuromodulation is and how SpineX’s device achieves this by checking out our Science Spotlight from this past June.

Beyond featuring the ins and outs of their technology, their episode of our Changing What’s Possible podcast features the experience of a young girl named Annika and her parents throughout their clinical trial journey. Take a listen.

To learn even more, watch our 2022 webinar with Co-Founder and CEO/Director Parag Gad and follow SpineX on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Fri 06 Sep 2024

Changing What's Possible banner. A dark gray background with different green lines with white text that reads "Changing What's Possible" and in green "This Disability Innovation Podcast"

Listen to Episode Six, Season Two of Changing What’s Possible on Apple, Spotify & Google Podcasts.

Wed 04 Sep 2024

A banner with the CPARF logo in the corner. Purple text reads "Keeping it Real:" Teal text reads, "Miracle's Story: In a circle with a green outline a photo of Miracle with pulled back brown hair wearing glasses, purple tank top, and jeans stands in her walker.

By Miracle Pelayo We recently connected with Miracle Pelayo, a model, actress, and content creator with cerebral palsy based in Los Angeles, California to talk career, her story, and more. Tell us about yourself. For example, how would your best friends describe you? I have a very outgoing personality! My friends would say I’m like […]