Your generosity will change what’s possible for cerebral palsy through cutting-edge research and disability innovation.

Whether you’re an individual, organization, company, trust, or foundation, your support will make a difference.
By supporting our mission to approach to cerebral palsy from all angles — research, innovation, and implementation — you’ll bring science to life for people with cerebral palsy.

“In less than half my lifetime, there has been more support for cerebral palsy research than ever before. Knowing there is such kindness and hope is a world I’m proud to be a part of. Thank you.”
In 2022, we proudly launched Remarkable US, the first nonprofit-funded disability technology startup accelerator supporting life-changing technology for people with cerebral palsy (CP) and other disabilities in the United States.
Remarkable US works in partnership with Remarkable — a transformative Australia-based start-up accelerator made possible by Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Since 2016, nearly 50 start-ups have come through the Remarkable accelerator and raised more than $28 million to power up the potential of people with disabilities around the world.
Technology will change what’s possible for people with CP right now.