More Q&A With Professor Iona Novak

Fri 07 May 2021

Question: Does primitive reflex testing in infants have any role in cerebral palsy management?

Iona's Answer: Primitive reflex testing was one of the historical clinical examinations conducted to identify cerebral palsy. However, reflex testing is not the most accurate predictor of cerebral palsy. The most accurate tools to identify cerebral palsy include: brain MRI plus General Movements Assessment Plus the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination. When these 3 tools are all indicating cerebral palsy, there is a 98% chance the child in front of you does have cerebral palsy. The Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination includes reflex testing items, however the total Hammersmith score is more predictive than reflex testing alone. And the combination of all 3 tests is even more predictive.

Some clinicians also historically believed that treating primitive reflexes, by facilitating the child into reflex inhibiting positions would improve movement. Nowadays, we understand that reflex inhibiting positions do not improve movement, given that reflexes are involuntary. And a movement needs to be self-generated (not therapist generated) in order to be learnt, retained and generalised via neuroplasticity.

Tue 16 Jul 2024

By Kim Greene Season of Confirmation With his affirmative comment and now wondering if indeed I had a neurological issue, I googled what I knew about my history. I knew that I had been adopted and born eight weeks early and had to be kept in the hospital until I was stable and weighed more […]

Wed 10 Jul 2024

A green background with black rectangle across the bottom. In the left are the colors of the disability pride flag to the right white text reads "Hosted by" the the CPARF and CVI logos. Above, text in dark grey reads: CP & CVI Now: A Community Discussion followed by July 25, 2024 from 5:30-6:30 pm ET.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF) and CVI Now (part of the CVI Center at Perkins School for the Blind) are hosting a joint event on Thursday, July 25 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ET. Launching CPARF’s new “CP &…” series, the event will dive deep into the connections between cerebral palsy (CP) and […]