Our Greatest Gift is You

Fri 23 Dec 2022

One thing is clear to us this holiday season: our greatest gift is you

Because of you, we can fund research into technology and treatments that will revolutionize the ways people with cerebral palsy move, communicate, and live. Because of you, we launched Remarkable US to fund innovation that makes the world more accessible for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.  

Because of you, 2022 was a transformative year — and you can help us make 2023 an even greater one. 

December is a great time to make your tax-deductible donation, and thanks to an anonymous donor, the first $25,000 in donations will be matched this month. 

Thank you for changing what’s possible for people with cerebral palsy. With warm wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe new year.

— The CPARF Team

Fri 06 Sep 2024

Changing What's Possible banner. A dark gray background with different green lines with white text that reads "Changing What's Possible" and in green "This Disability Innovation Podcast"

Listen to Episode Six, Season Two of Changing What’s Possible on Apple, Spotify & Google Podcasts.

Wed 04 Sep 2024

A banner with the CPARF logo in the corner. Purple text reads "Keeping it Real:" Teal text reads, "Miracle's Story: In a circle with a green outline a photo of Miracle with pulled back brown hair wearing glasses, purple tank top, and jeans stands in her walker.

By Miracle Pelayo We recently connected with Miracle Pelayo, a model, actress, and content creator with cerebral palsy based in Los Angeles, California to talk career, her story, and more. Tell us about yourself. For example, how would your best friends describe you? I have a very outgoing personality! My friends would say I’m like […]